We encourage you to think about your ideal long term job. Spend time analysing the skills and attributes required to perform your ideal long term job by identifying your strengths and determining the gaps you may have.

What can you do to overcome your shortfalls/weaknesses and threats? Do you need more experience? Can you gain the experience in your current organisation? Do you need to attend further training courses?

Start by planning for the big picture by downloading our free career planning guide. 

When career planning for the bigger picture, ask yourself:

  • What job do you want to be doing?
  • What is your current job and what skills are transferable?
  • What skill or experience gaps do you have?
  • What is your motivation for wanting to move or change?
  • Do you have a preferred employer or employment brand? 

What happens next? 

  • Be brave. Have an open and honest conversation with your Manager or HR and be prepared for constructive feedback. Opportunities may exist in your current business leading you towards internal progression.  
  • Identify an industry mentor (talk to us about industry mentoring)
  • If necessary upskill via training and development courses
  • Move your career sideways to a larger organisation where there may be more opportunities to progress internally.
  • Or, move to a smaller organisation where responsibilities and tasks are often broader, developing your experience.
  • Over-achieve your targets, receive industry accolades, and get noticed! Build a strong personal brand and reputation

A great resume and a well mapped career will show:

  • Stability of tenure
  • Relevant or transferrable skills
  • Your worldliness/life experience will give you a point of difference to others, helping you to relate to a wider range of people and situations. 

Keep in mind…

  • Sometimes fabulous experiences come from brands or organisations that you wouldn’t have considered working for. 
  • Keep a positive impression and reputation in all workplaces. This pays off when you need references. 
  • Be open to going back to a brand or organisation that you have previously worked for
  • Keep your resume as an open doc, continuously update it with achievements as they happen. We recommend that you update your achievements annually to keep them current. Five years on from now it may be hard to remember all of the relevant achievements that got you to where you are today.
  • Your personal brand, market reputation and connections can be a key factors in your career progress, be self-aware and always leave positive impressions 

Any time you speak with one of our recruitment consultants, be sure to discuss your career plan.




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